À Falihavana-Ampangabe, une initiative de reboisement a été organisée le 8 février dernier par quatre entrepri…
HV Group proudly supports T1 Diams with a donation of essential office equipment and activity materials to aid…
During the Christmas festivities, a donation was made to support the children of the I CAN association. The co…
The retail landscape is undergoing a seismic shift. Gone are the days of static brick-and-mortar stores and on…
Reboisement des terres à La Citadelle, Port-Louis
Le Groupe HV reconnaît l’importance cruciale de pr…
HV is delighted to announce the grand opening of its latest franchise brand DeFacto at Tribeca Mall on 20 Octo…
A donation was made by The Hematlal Veljee Foundation to the Community of St Joseph of Aosta following the dam…
On the occasion of the World Cleanup Day, our teams from HV Corporate Services Ltd, HV Property Management Ltd…
"5 kadi pou 5 fami" food collection campaign was launched in August 2023 with the participation of HV Head Off…
On the occasion of the World Food Day celebrated on 16 October 2022, a Food (non-perishable foods) Collection …